get in touch
Beresford Management represents talent across scripted and unscripted projects.
If you would like to be considered for representation, please email with your relevant Spotlight and social media links.
We actively try to respond to everyone, but as we are a busy office this may take up to four weeks. We kindly ask that you do not call the office to follow up on your submission. All submissions are given thorough consideration and we will contact you if we wish to arrange a meeting or attend a show.
Beresford Management endeavours to be as green as possible so we will only respond to submissions via email. ​
FAN MAIL: For all fanmail, autographs and charitable requests, please mark the envelope “FAN MAIL”. Your letter should be addressed to the actor in question and will be forwarded on to them by the agency. Letters will also need to include a Stamped Addressed Envelope. Please note that it is the client’s decision as to whether or not they respond.